Anime Fighting Simulator is a special mode for Roblox, created by a developer under the alias BlockZone. The mode was released in April 2019, and since then it has been played by over 50 million users around the world. It is still being updated, over a hundred thousand players play it regularly, and codes for Anime Fighting Simulator are being introduced.
Roblox Anime Fighting Simulator Codes
How to Play Anime Fighting Simulator
Anime Fighting Simulator requires users to fight using their characters' abilities. To become stronger, the user must train their character. For example, jumping increases dexterity and running increases stamina. By this analogy, you can improve the character and its characteristics. The game has a multiplayer mode, where you have to fight with other players. In total, there are several abilities in the game that allow you to attack your enemy with third-party weapons. All of these are displayed on the player screen. You can sword strike, ice strike, hand strike and take a defensive stance. It is not necessary to immediately engage in combat, you can first improve the character. No one here will force the user to fight. You are free to travel around the world, gaining his strength before the final battle. There are a lot of options and that's the main beauty of this way for Roblox.
In-game currency
The following currencies can be found in the in-game store:
Yen - which is pretty much the same as any other dollar mode. You can get them for successful battles, as well as codes for Anime Fighting Simulator. In doing so, the yen will be spent to buy upgrades for your character. He can be artificially improved, such as increasing the strength of a punch or jump.
Robux - is a well-known currency in Roblox that can be used to buy bonuses in Anime Fighting Simulator that are not available for coins. For example, you can buy double power, VIP status, and more.
However, it's worth giving the right to the developer, and there is no need to spend real money to play Anime Fighting Simulator comfortably.
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